Dual training

The dual training system is one of the most effective ways of professional training. Its peculiarity is that most of the vocational training process takes place not at an educational institution, but on the basis of an enterprise. The dual system of vocational training is a form that combines training in an educational organization with mandatory stages of training and practical work, ensuring the work of students in an enterprise with equal responsibility of the enterprise, educational institution and student.

The procedure for organizing the educational process of dual education is determined on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015 No. 414-V.

In the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 “On the approval of state compulsory educational standards for all levels of education” No. 604, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of January 21, 2016 “On the approval of the rules of dual education” No. 50, Government Resolution Of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1093 dated October 15, 2014 “On approval of the Roadmap for the dual education system, which provides for the creation of training centers for advanced training and retraining at industrial enterprises and their participation in the training of specialists by universities and colleges” presents a number of articles related to the dual education system.

The list of clinical bases for dual training was approved on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education and Science of January 29, 2016 No. 107 “On approval of the Rules for organizing and conducting professional practice for organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education and determining enterprises (organizations) as bases of practice” , order No. 628 “On clinical bases of medical educational institutions” dated September 10, 2012.

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 28, 2016 “On the approval of the forms of a standard agreement on the passage of professional practice and dual training for technical and vocational, post-secondary education” No. 93 – tripartite agreements “college-enterprise-student” professional practice.

Dual Learning Participants:

Educational organization: MSE on the REM “Zhambyl Higher Medical College” of the Health Department of Zhambyl region.


SCE on  the REM “City multidisciplinary hospital of the health department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region

SCE on the REM” Zhambyl regional children’s multidisciplinary hospital of the health department of the akimat of Zhambyl region “

SCE on the REM “City Hospital” No. 5 of the health department of the Akimat of the Zhambyl region”

SCE on the  REM “City Hospital” No. 6 of the health department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region”

SCE on REM “City Hospital” No. 9” of the health department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region “


students of groups 303, 305, 306, 403 (total: 98). Mandatory components of dual education: 1. A tripartite agreement for the passage of professional practice for groups of dual education was concluded in accordance with Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 28, 2016 No. 93. 2. between the participants of the dual education “college-student-enterprise”

2. Between the participants of the dual training “college-student-enterprise”

a tripartite agreement is concluded. 3. The working curriculum of dual education is developed in agreement with the heads of the medical organization. 4. In medical organizations, equipped training rooms have been created for conducting industrial training and professional practice. 5. The organization appoints a qualified mentor to guide workplace learning and professional practice.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, a dual education system was introduced in our college as a pilot project. The organization of dual education is carried out in accordance with the annual plan. An annual plan was developed and approved covering the entire duration of training for each group.

The curriculum for the dual education system for the 2016-2020, 2017-2021, 2018-2022 academic years was developed, discussed with the heads of medical organizations, the head of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Zhambyl region and approved by the director of the college. The working program of dual education, agreed with the medical organization, was developed for 2016-2020, 2017-2021, 2018-2022.

The number of hours spent in medical organizations is 60% of the total number of teaching hours. Working curricula for disciplines, industrial training and professional practice taught on a clinical basis are developed for II, III, IV courses, discussed with the heads of medical organizations and approved by the director of the college.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015, from the first day of practical training for students of the specialty “Nursing” on the technology of dual training, the rules of the work of a medical organization are applied. In order to effectively develop the practical skills of students studying in the dual education system from the 2016-2017 academic year, at the clinical bases, training and practical training rooms were organized and equipped: 1 classroom on the basis of the SCE on the REM “City multidisciplinary hospital of the health department of the Akimat of the Zhambyl region.

The dual training system is one of the most effective ways of professional training. Its peculiarity is that most of the vocational training process takes place in the enterprise, and not in the college. The dual model of vocational training is a form of training that combines training in an educational organization with the mandatory stages of training and practical work, ensuring the work of students in an enterprise with equal responsibility of the enterprise, educational institution and student. The regional seminar was attended by 43 specialists from organizations of technical and vocational education of the Zhambyl region. Its peculiarity is that most of the vocational training process takes place in the enterprise, and not in the college. The dual model of vocational training is a form of training that combines training in an educational organization with the mandatory stages of training and practical work, ensuring the work of students in an enterprise with equal responsibility of the enterprise, educational institution and student. The regional seminar was attended by 43 specialists from organizations of technical and vocational education of the Zhambyl region. The participants of the seminar shared their experience of dual education, exchanged questions and answers.