

WorldSkills is a global project that identifies the best in their profession, raises the status of the worker profession and promotes professionalism.

The VI Republican championship in professional skills “WorldSkills Kazakhstan 2021” on the basis of the “Higher Medical College” of the Akimat of the city of Nur-Sultan will be held on November 15-19, 2021.

16 contestants from 16 regions of Kazakhstan took part in the competition, which increases the importance of the worker’s profession. The competitive stages were organized in 3 areas of practice, which included the conduct and organization of patient care activities.

The contestants demonstrated their practical skills in performing manipulations in segregated areas, standardized communication with patients, clinical thinking ability, conflict prevention skills.

Competitors from 6 regions who have achieved the indicated competencies for awarding the winners of the championship are invited to the closing ceremony of the VI Republican Championship “WorldSkills Kazakhstan 2021”.

A graduate of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College Karim Suyinbekuly, who was able to demonstrate his professional expertise in the “Medical and Social Assistance” competency on behalf of the Zhambyl region, took 1st place – a gold medal.

The Republican championship “WorldSkills Kazakhstan-2021”, which determines the professional skills of young people, has come to an end, and students from the Zhambyl region justified the hope of the region. According to the results of the championship, 5 students from 4 competencies won prizes:

  1. Student of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College Suyinbekuly Karim, qualification “Medical and social assistance” – 1st place – gold;
  2. Student of the Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher Technical School Zhamalbek Sultanaliuly in the competence of “Visual Merchandising” – 3rd place – bronze medalist;
  3. Students of the Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher College at the competition “Mechatronics” Yakovenko Anton Viktorovich, Khairov Ratmir Renatovich – 3rd place – bronze medalists;
  4. Student of the Taraz College of Service and Technology Bizer Anton Andreevich in the competition “Hairdressing” – 3rd place – bronze medalist.

Director of the College Sarybekova Zhamilya Nurgalievna, on behalf of the Zhambyl region, took part in the VI Republican championship of professional skills “WorldSkills Kazakhstan 2021”, congratulated the winners and wished them to see only the highest peaks.