“Where there is honesty, there is humanity”



On April 26, 2023, an hour of integrity was held at the Zhambyl Higher Medical College on the topic: “Adaldyk zhurgen zherde-adamdyk zhuredi”, organized by teachers of the CMC of special disciplines №3. The main goal of the Hour of Integrity is to meet students with great personalities who have made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh medicine. To educate students through the life path, the work of great people, to be educated and inquisitive, able to contribute to the future of Kazakhstan, comprehensively developed specialists that meet modern requirements. To form love for one’s profession, devotion to the team, society, Motherland, responsibility for work, for one’s duties, cultivating the ability to appreciate the noble qualities of a person. Acquaintance with the main activity of the future specialist, development prospects, requirements for modern young professionals.

The meeting on the topic “Adaldyk zhurgen zherde- adamdyk zhuredi” was opened by the director of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College Sarybekova Zh.N. with a preface and introduced the guests.


On the topic “My chosen specialty”, a report was read by the chairman of the Central Committee of Special Disciplines No. 3 Parmanova A. T.

Invited guests: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Full Member of the Medical and Preventive Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Doctor of the USSR, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz SSR, Honored Doctor of Kazakhstan, Director of the Research Clinical Center for Cardiac Surgery and Transplantation Zhoshybaev Seitkhan Zhoshybaevich. Consultant of the Director of the Research Clinical Center for Cardiac Surgery and Transplantology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tulebekov Beisenbai Tulebekovich. Honored Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Excellent Health Worker, “Golden Doctor”, Knight of the Order of Hippocrates, Candidate of Medical Sciences Saurbaev Tolenbek Kambarbekovich.