“Uzdik zhas maman-2023”


On 06/07/2023, the Educational and Methodological Office of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College organized the competition “Uzdik zhas maman-2023” on the topic: “Enbek zholyna sattilik, Zhas maman!”.

Stages of the competition:

Stage 1 – Electronic portfolio;

Stage 2 – Panoramic lesson;

Stage 3-Electronic textbook.

Jury President:

  1. Director of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College Sarybekova Zh.N.;

Jury members:

  1. Kuanyshbekova L. T. – Deputy Director for educational work;
  2. Murataliyeva N.M. – Head of the monitoring center;

3.Tursynbayeva R.K. – Chairman of the cycle methodological commission on general education and natural disciplines No. 1;

  1. Eskebekova Z.S. – Head of the department “Nursing”.

Young professionals participating in the competition:

  1. Teacher of the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology” – Shormanbayeva R. T.;
  2. Teacher of the discipline “Infectious diseases” – Aitzhanova A.A.;
  3. Lecturer “Latin language and pharmacology” – Baymenova Zh. S.;
  4. Teacher of the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology” – K. S. Shaimerden;
  5. Teacher of the discipline “Anatomy and Physiology” – Orynbek S. A.;
  6. Teacher of the discipline “Obstetrics and Gynecology” – Kaldanova N.B.

By decision of the jury:

1st place Shaimerden K.S. – Diploma of the 1st degree;

2nd place Orynbek S.A. – Diploma of II degree;

2nd place Shormanbayeva R.T. — Diploma of II degree;

3rd place Kaldanova N.B. – Diploma of III degree;

3rd place Baimenova Zh.S. – Certificate “Best Lesson”;

3rd place Aitzhanova A.A. — Certificate “Best Portfolio”;

Principal of the college Sarybekova Zh.N., chairman of the primary trade union organization of the college Muratalieva N.M. in order to support young professionals, the following certificates were awarded:

1st place – 10 000 tenge.

2nd place – 12 000tg.

3rd place – 5000 tenge, as well as each participant was presented with books by outstanding writers.