Career guidance work


On May 19, 2021, a specialist in vocational guidance of the MSM on the REM “Zhambyl Higher Medical College” Artykova L.A. carried out vocational guidance work among students in grades 9-11 through the ZOOM platform.

On a planned basis, on May 19, 2021, career guidance work was carried out through the ZOOM platform with the participation of parents and students of grades 9-11 of the Bolashak boarding school in Taraz.

The purpose of the event: to provide vocational guidance to students in the process of choosing a training profile and a field of future professional activity; broaden the horizons of the medical profession and its characteristics; help students make an informed choice of profession; increasing the competence of students in the field of career planning.

Students were informed about the history, achievements, specialties, features of our college. A presentation video about the college was shown.

The students felt how interesting and responsible the work of medical specialists is, showed interest. We have sent brochures about our college majors to school e-mails to make them available to students.