College History

Zhambyl Higher Medical College is one of the educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the training and retraining of personnel with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education.

On February 12, 1936, in the city of Mirzoyan (present-day Taraz), a school of nurses was organized with a two-year training period, where 30 people studied.

In 1938, the first graduation from the school took place. The organizer and the first director of the college was the chief physician of the city children’s hospital Ivan Nilovich Promontov.

In 1937-1945, the director of the school of nurses was Pak Nikolai Romanovich, chief surgeon of the region, candidate of medical sciences, honorary citizen of the city of Taraz.

From 1945 to 1948 it was called the «Doctor Assistant -Obstetric »  School and graduated from nurses, paramedics and obstetricians. In 1948, the school was renamed the school.

From 1945 to 1948 it was called the «Doctor Assistant -Obstetric » school and graduated nurses, paramedics and obstetricians. In 1948 the school was renamed the College.

From 1955 to 1981, the Dzhambul Medical School was headed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, twice holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor, Excellence in Public Health, Zinaida Pavlovna Ovchinnikova.

From 1981 to 1985, the school was headed by a physician-therapist Aida Tynybekovna Tynybekova, and from 1985 to 1990 Nurlanova Rysty Berekelovna – pediatrician, Excellence in health and education of the USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 1978, the school began to train specialists in pharmacy, and in 1983 an evening department for the training of nurses was opened.

From 1990 to 2015, the college was headed by the Excellence in Healthcare, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Konyrova Samikha Konyrovna.

In 1994, the Zhambyl Medical School was renamed into the Zhambyl Medical College. In 1996, on the basis of the Zhambyl Medical College, a department for advanced training of workers with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education was opened.

Since 2016, Sarybekova Zhamilya Nurgalievna, pediatrician, teacher of the highest category, has been appointed the director of the college.

In 2019, the College received a positive assessment for reorganization and received the status of a Graduate College.

The college is trained in the following specialties:

“Medical business”, qualification “Nurse”, “Obstetrician”;

“Pharmacy”, qualification “Pharmacist»;

“Nursing”, qualifications “General practice Nurse”, “Applied bachelor of Nursing”; “Masseur” for the visually impaired;

“Laboratory diagnostics”, qualification “Medical laboratory assistant”.