Department of Monitoring and Quality of Education

The main activities and purpose of the “Education and Monitoring Quality Department” are to improve the quality of the college ‘s educational services, its control, forecasting, evaluation, processing and monitoring. It is a check of the quality of students “knowledge and the quality of teaching teachers, as well as creating conditions for timely delivery of tasks by students who missed classes.

All examinations, differentiated credits are held in the monitoring department.

Students who are absent from classes can enter the college ‘s electronic library, prepare for missed topics, get tested in the monitoring department without the participation of a teacher, and be automatically evaluated by computer.

The college ‘s electronic library currently contains lectures and electronic textbooks on all disciplines.

Tests for all subjects included in the test base.

In addition, a director ‘s control section is carried out in the monitoring department. It is carried out to check the quality of knowledge of the group, the quality of discipline and the quality of teaching of the teacher.