
Head of the library of Zhambyl higher medical College – Begalieva Nursulu Erlankyzy.

Year of birth: 1982.

Education: higher.

Specialty: 1999-2003 Zhambyl University of Humanities and technology, “Library science”.

Total experience: 15 years.

In Zhambyl medical College: 15 years.

Since 2004, she has been appointed head of the library.

Fund of printed and electronic publications of the library of Zhambyl higher medical College

A report on the resources of the library and its use

Of great importance is the book Fund, formed in accordance with modern requirements, features of the profile of the College, which contribute to quality education of students.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, a book exhibition was organized to showcase the library’s work.

  1. Book exhibition “Nurly Zhol-the way to the future”.
  2. Exhibition “550 years of the Kazakh khanate”.
  3. Exhibition “Ustaz uly Tulga”.
  4. The exhibition ” Til konildin –tilmashy»
  5. A book exhibition “the Book is an inexhaustible treasure»
  6. Book exhibition ” Environmental education»
  7. A book exhibition “The World of medicine»
  8. Book exhibition ” Our publications»
  9. Book exhibition ” Disease of the century-AIDS»
  10. The exhibition “Menin Elim”»
  11. A book exhibition “The immortal heroic feats”»

Library staff and students of the 204th group of the Department “Medical business” held a literary evening dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the national hero Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

The College library has a General book Fund – 109409 copies of books.


  • Textbooks – 95580, of them in the state language – 54336 copies
  • Fiction – 4187, of which in the state language – 2002 copies.
  • Methodical textbooks – 809, of them in the state language – 461 copies.
  • Electronic textbooks – 1527, of them in the state language – 470 pieces

Indicator of the use of the book Fund of readers:

  • Attendance rate -19898 students, teachers and trainees for advanced training and retraining of secondary medical and pharmaceutical personnel
  • The library maintains a file library of books, which is filled with the time of receipt of textbooks and literature.

The provision of library textbooks on specialties:

  • “Medical business”, qualification “Medical Assistant” – 28
  • “Medical case”, qualification “Obstetrician” – 27
  • “Nursing” – 25
  • “Midwifery” – 37
  • «Pharmacy» – 31

In General, the provision of books for the College is 30 copies per 1 student. According to the standard, there should be 25 pieces per 1 student. The College provides 100% coverage of books for students.

Replenishment of the book Fund is carried out according to the profile of the College in medical and General education subjects.

Applications are accepted in consultation with the Director of the College and Deputy Directors, heads of departments, methodologists, and chairmen of the CMC. The library Fund is provided with textbooks and literature on subjects in the state language.

In General, when working with the book Fund, special attention is paid to the replenishment, preservation, and placement of the library Fund.

Books that are rejected in the Fund are written off according to acts of invalidity, new books received are accepted, and the Fund is constantly recalculated.

The library uses methods of placing the book collection in a systematic, alphabetical order. The library has an electronic catalog (alphabetical, system), where the book Fund is placed in the field of education and medicine. Readers are regularly informed about the achievements of science and education, technologies of innovation in pedagogy.

Subscriptions to publications were held from October to December. In particular:


Kazakhstan – 30 copies.

Arai – 300 copies.

Kazakhstan truth – 10 copies.

Faculty and staff:

“Akzhol” -30 copies.

“Banner of labor” – 10 copies.

“Zhambyl Taraz” – 60 copies.

“Bilim shuagy” – 53 copies.

“Densaulyk Alemi – – 110 copies.

“Resident” – 20 copies.

“Dastur” – 7 copies.

“Ana tili” – 10 copies.

“Arstan” ” -10 copies.

“Gumyr Dariya” – copies. All publications in the reading room are stitched in 1 copy and can be read in the library.