
0302000 – “Nursing” qualification: 030204 3 – ” general practice nurse»

Form of study: full-time

Standard training period: 3 years 10 months on the basis of basic secondary education;

 2 years 10 months on the basis of general secondary education

0302000 – “Nursing” qualification: 030204 3 – “general practice nurse” basic and specialized competencies

In the direction of self-development: shows responsibility for the long-term planning of their continuous professional development and assumes and chooses the most effective training methods to achieve their goals.

In the direction of critical thinking and decision-making: identifies problems and possible solutions in difficult situations, logically analyzes facts, judgments and makes informed decisions within the framework of his professional activity.

Public role in the community: actively participates in public life, promotes the role of nurses in society, shows tolerance when interacting with people of different cultural and age groups, supports subordination and professional cooperation.

Ethical principles: demonstrates a commitment to professional ethical principles, respects confidentiality, understands the responsibility for the life and health of patients, critically evaluates and makes decisions when ethical problems arise in certain situations in order to protect the rights and interests of patients/clients, families and groups.

In the direction of aesthetics: values and supports the aesthetics of the working environment, continuously strives to create aesthetic comfort for the patient and enrich the worldview.

Communication skills: demonstrate effective communication with people who differ in culture, beliefs, traditions, lifestyle and worldview in different languages.

Group work: shows responsibility by working in different professional groups, demonstrates individual self-management skills for the purpose of effective joint work.

In the direction of information and communication technologies: uses various information and communication technologies to effectively exchange information for professional purposes

Healthy lifestyle: knows and uses the regulatory and legal documents regulating preventive work aimed at improving the health of the population, knows the methods and technologies of national and international strategic programs of a healthy lifestyle.

In the direction of observation: performs dispensary observation of patients with chronic and socially significant diseases

Counseling: educates patients and their families on health care, care, and disease prevention, identifies risk factors, and protects them. Plans and performs preventive actions at the personal and family level using various methods.

Care and environmental safety: provides safe care in accordance with standards, evidence-based knowledge and a wide range of clinical skills, uses modern technologies and effective methods to protect people from harmful factors, and performs safe pharmacotherapy.

Quality: Evaluates its activities in accordance with quality indicators. Is responsible for improving the quality of care in the context of their work.

The patient – in the direction of centralized nursing care: determines the needs of patients, the patient-creates and implements a centralized plan, documents and evaluates the results of care. Makes nursing decisions involving the patient and family

In the rehabilitation direction: evaluates and contributes to the improvement of the functional abilities of patients, using a rehabilitation and wellness approach.

In the direction of evidence-based nursing practice: provides nursing care and makes decisions based on evidence-based knowledge.

Uses reasonable medical information to make clinical decisions.

Specialty 0302000 “Nursing”, qualification: 030205 4 ” Applied Bachelor of Nursing»

Form of study: full-time

3 years 6 months (on the basis of general secondary education)

Form of study: full-time

1 year 6 months (based on technical and vocational education)

Basic and specialized competencies for students of the specialty 0302000 “Nursing”, qualification: 030205 4 ” Applied Bachelor of Nursing”

Self-development: takes responsibility for long-term planning of their continuous professional development and selects the most effective training methods to achieve their goals.

 Group learning: sharing knowledge, experience, and resources to achieve group goals, demonstrates responsibility for clear and timely execution of collective tasks.

 Information management skills: identifies a personal need for information, determines the priority directions of information search, finds and critically evaluates information from various sources, summarizes and uses the information obtained in practice.

Critical thinking and decision-making: identifies the problem and possible solutions, logically analyzes facts and opinions, tests the hypothesis and evaluates the probability of events, draws conclusions and makes informed decisions.

Professional Ethics: Demonstrates a commitment to professional ethical principles, as well as the principles of confidentiality, to protect the rights and interests of the patient/client/family and community.

Roles and responsibilities: understands its role, rights and limits; accepts responsibility for its actions and omissions in accordance with regulatory legal acts and organizational requirements.

Reflex behavior: he is able to analyze the effectiveness of his activities, the activities of the professional team and the organization as a whole, adjust actions and be responsible for the final result.

Positive work Environment: Values and supports the aesthetics of the work environment, manages time effectively, and is responsible for maintaining a strong team spirit and a positive psychoemotional climate.

Communication skills: demonstrates the skills of effective professional communication in various situations, both orally and in writing in the state and Russian languages.

Information and communication technology: Uses a variety of information and communication technologies to effectively exchange information for professional purposes.

Tolerance: shows the ability and respect to communicate with people who differ in culture, beliefs, traditions, nationality, lifestyle and worldview.

Communication in English: Uses English for professional purposes, at least at the Intermediate level.

Creativity: is able to creatively approach the solution of various tasks and tasks, to find new improved solutions.

Innovative social interaction: the ability to generate new ideas as a result of the teamwork of people with different professions, approaches and experiences.

Improvement using modern technologies: identifies the need for technologies, uses, plans and implements modern technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of activities.

Safety: uses methods of protection against the impact of harmful factors on the safety of people and the environment, uses various technologies to improve safety, critically evaluates and adapts them in unexpected and rapidly changing conditions, as well as in crisis and emergency situations.

Clinical skills and knowledge: Has a wide range of clinical skills and technologies to provide safe and centralized nursing care in accordance with operating procedure standards and motivated nursing leadership (standards), has a deep knowledge of health disorders, and provides appropriate nursing care for individuals, families, and groups in primary care organizations.

Patient-centralized nursing care: independently assesses the need for nursing care using modern theoretical and clinical knowledge, and develops a centralized nursing care plan; makes decisions with the patient, taking into account the views of his family; implements a care plan with centralized integrated nursing care with an emphasis on achieving personality-oriented/patient-centered treatment results, makes recommendations for subsequent care.

Documentation of nursing: maintains timely and accurate nursing documentation based on the system of classification of nurses and systematization of electronic medical records using the necessary computer technologies; monitors and analyzes documents.

Interpreting information and making evidence-based decisions: Evaluates information in the field of biomedical and nursing research aimed at developing advanced nursing technologies, makes informed decisions based on evidence-based nursing practice.

Planning and implementation of nursing research projects: shows creativity when planning research in order to improve, further develop regulatory and methodological documents for the formation and implementation of nursing services.

Effective dissemination of research results: provides effective scientific presentations of research results and implements them in clinical practice, presents various types of presentations, distributes research results to different audiences.

Quality: recognizes the high value of information dissemination, best practices, and is responsible for improving the quality of nursing services and their professional activities.