
Specialty 0306000 – “Pharmacy”, qualification: 030601 3 – ” Pharmacist»

Form of study: full-time

Standard studying period: 2 years 10 months on the basis of general secondary education

 Specialty 0306000 – “Pharmacy”, qualification: 030601 3 – “Pharmacist” basic and specialized competencies

Understands the importance and social significance of his future profession, shows a constant interest in it.

Defines tasks and plans its activities, taking into account the set goals, selects standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks of the basic category of complexity, evaluates their effectiveness and quality

Within the competence, independently solves practical tasks of the main category of complexity in the field of pharmaceutical activity, analyzes the working conditions and its forecast changes, conducts current and final control, evaluation and adjustment.

Uses information and communication technologies in professional activities, searches for and uses the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, focuses on professional activities in conditions of frequent changes in technology.

Uses regulatory and legal documents in the field of pharmaceutical activity.

Speaks professional terminology

He has a set of communication skills necessary for working in a team and team, effectively interacts with colleagues, management, and consumers.

Sets tasks, motivates the activities of subordinates, organizes and controls their work, taking responsibility for the result of completing tasks.

Independently determines the tasks of professional and personal development, is engaged in self-education, consciously plans to improve their skills.

Leads and promotes a healthy lifestyle, is engaged in physical culture and sports to promote health, achieve life and professional goals.

Organizes the reception and storage of medicines, medicinal plant raw materials and pharmacy products in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework.

Transfers medicines, medical products and other products of the pharmacy range to the population and medical organizations.

Participates in the design of the trading floor.

Complies with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime, labor protection, safety and fire safety.

Prepares primary accounting and reporting documentation.

Analyzes the demand for pharmacy products

Organizes the work of the structural divisions of the pharmacy and, in the absence of specialists with higher pharmaceutical education, manages the pharmacy organization.

Makes requests to suppliers for products of the pharmacy range.

Participates in the organization of wholesale trade.

Manufactures dosage forms according to prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations.

Prepares intra-apical preparations and weighs medicines for subsequent sale.

Owns the mandatory forms of intra-pharmacy control of medicines.

Provides advice to the public on the proper use and storage of medicines and other products of the pharmacy range at home.

Informs medical organizations about the medicines and products of the pharmacy range available in the pharmacy.