Department of advanced training of paramedical workers with a regional simulation center


  • Advantages of simulation training:
  • clinical experience in a virtual environment without risk to the patient;
  • objective assessment of the achieved level of skill;
  • unlimited number of skill reps;
  • training at a convenient time, regardless of the clinic’s work;
  • working out actions for rare and life-threatening pathologies;
  • part of the teacher’s functions is taken over by a virtual simulator;
  • reduced stress during the first independent manipulations.

The aims of the Center are:

  • implementation of measures for continuous professional development of healthcare professionals;
  • participation in the assessment of professional readiness and confirmation of compliance with the qualifications of health professionals.

Main functions of the Center:

  • increasing and improving the professional level of nursing professionals through simulation training;
  • organizing and participating in the Evaluation;
  • planning and organizing simulation training to master diagnostic, treatment procedures, patient care skills, and emergency care using simulation equipment.
  • interaction with educational and scientific organizations in the field of health;
  • monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness of simulation training.

In order to implement the State program of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Salamatty Kazakhstan” for 2011-2015, approved by the Decree of the Government dated 29.01.2011, No. 41 and SRC according to the Order № 300 from 03.06.2014 g. “About the opening of the simulation center,” order SSRK No. 404 “Rules for evaluation of professional preparedness and confirmation of conformity of qualification of specialists in the field of health” deployed Regional simulation center with a total area 541,26 sq m on the basis of Zhambyl medical College, simulationism equipped with modern equipment of high accuracy for practical skills is a structural subdivision of SOE “Zhambyl medical College” health management akimat of Zhambyl region. The goals of the Center are to implement measures for the continuous professional development of healthcare professionals and improve their practical skills in providing emergency care.

The center conducts training on the cycle “emergency care for injuries” in order to implement the Roadmap for emergency care for injuries 36 hours/one week, based on the order of the Minister of Health No. 759 of 19 November 2009 “on approval of the rules for training persons without medical education (paramedics) to provide pre-medical care” training of persons without medical education (paramedics) to provide first aid. The duration of training is 36 hours/one week.

The centre is equipped with computer robot simulator SMARTSTATBASIC with iPad control, multi-functional dummy simulating childbirth, mothers and newborns SMARTMOMBasiс, machine tool delivery, an electric model for tracheal intubation, with a set of laryngoscope and Ambu bag adult, laryngoscope kit and Ambu bag for children (phantom – system for intubation) mannequin-simulator baby to conduct CPR monitoring CPR (manikin resuscitation CPR) and trauma, 1 year (with electronics), dummy for patient care, extended version of the GERI and KERI with phantom system for Ambu cardiopulmonary resuscitation with defibrillation,with support for Wi-Fi, a simulator for tracheostomy (statement of nasogastric tube and care of tracheostomy).