Educational production work of the Zhambyl medical college

Educational and production work of Zhambyl Higher Medical College

Zhambyl Higher Medical College trains middle-level specialists of the highest profession in accordance with market times. One of our main tasks is to train highly qualified specialists who know their business, are competitive, and are able to provide high-quality medical services using modern medical achievements.

In the city of Taraz, at the address Pushkin Street No. 24, there is a building B, where practical classes of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College are held. In Building B there are offices and laboratories with a developed material and technical base, where it is possible to use high-tech mannequins in clinical disciplines.

Practical training is organized, planned and conducted in accordance with the curriculum compiled according to the state mandatory standard of technical and professional education in medical specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rules for organizing and conducting professional practice in medical colleges.

The main tasks of educational and production work:

– work with medical organizations to develop and strengthen the professional skills of students at all levels of professional practice;

– use of innovative nursing technologies to improve the quality of student training;

– study of the need for medical personnel in regional organizations in order to employ graduates.

The Health Department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region annually approves the list of medical organizations as the base of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College. To pass all types of practice and provide each student with a separate workplace during the training practice, a contract was signed with 41 medical organizations in the city of Taraz and Zhambyl region.

The contract specifies the content, type, and conditions of joint work to train future specialists working in the field of healthcare. For all types of practice, a training program has been compiled in accordance with the standard program and approved by the chief physicians of medical organizations. Practical classes are held in 29 equipped classrooms, 3 pharmaceutical laboratories and a training and simulation station for providing medical care in emergency cases.

Classrooms and laboratories are equipped with educational and methodological literature, technical training manuals, which can be carried out in high quality, to train qualified specialists. Classrooms and laboratories are equipped in accordance with the future profession and workplace of students. The classrooms are equipped to strengthen the basic, special, and basic competencies of students. The college’s classrooms and laboratories are equipped with modern medical equipment and simulators – mannequins for the care of elderly patients, child care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, universal mannequins and simulators for care.

It has become a tradition in our college to annually hold international, national, regional scientific and practical conferences, seminars, professional competitions, meetings with graduates. Such events increase the responsibility and professionalism of students. Students of the final groups have repeatedly won prizes at national competitions and international conferences.

Teachers and students of our college take an active part in the republican regional city actions for the provision of first aid and charity events.

So, in college:

– practical training is conducted according to the normative documents and the state mandatory standard of technical and professional education in medical specialties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

-during the year, methodological work and material and technical base are being developed;

– Works in close contact with medical organizations of the Zhambyl region and the city of Taraz;

– the work of the educational process for the training of secondary medical personnel is carried out according to an organized curriculum.