“Language is the treasure of the people”


On September 15, 2021, at the Zhambyl Higher Medical College, teachers of the CMC of general and general humanization disciplines No. 2 in the civil – patriotic direction held a festive event on the topic: “Til khalyktan – Kazynasy”, dedicated to September 5 – the Day of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the event: the formation of a feeling of love and respect for the state language in the course of strengthening friendship and unity between representatives of nationalities living in our independent country. The director of the college Sarybekova Zh. N. addressed the participants and guests of the evening with a welcoming speech. Students of the 1st and 2nd courses read poetry, sang songs in their native language and communicated with the guests.

Guests of the event:

  1. Mirazhaparova Mukhabbat Saydullaevna – Chairman of the Council of Mothers at the Assembly of the Zhambyl region.
  2. Victoria Shorbanu – founder of the “Kamkor Zhurek” public foundation.
  3. Alekhanova Mukhabbat Bakhytovna – correspondent of the Zhambyl TV channel.