Legal culture is the key to child safety


On 07.10.2020, the Department of Education, together with the police captains of the Taraz Police Department, Abzal Kapalovich Arysbayev and Aibek Dosovich Asabayev, held the campaign “Legal culture – the key to child safety”, “Children be careful!” in order to prevent offenses that occur in society in compliance with sanitary requirements. With students of the 1st year conducted explanatory work on the topic ” Safety measures in the heating season”,

Online holiday meeting “Teacher is a great person”. Teachers have done a great job of educating their students, instilling good qualities in them and guiding them in morale. On October 2, 2020, the staff of Zhambyl Higher Medical College sincerely congratulated the teachers on their professional holiday and wished them success in their work and held an online festive meeting on the topic “Teacher is a great person”.