“Nursing in Pediatrics”


Students of the 401st group of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College took part in the Olympiad in the discipline “Nursing in Pediatrics”, organized by the Kyzylorda Medical College among students of the Southern Regional Medical Colleges Republic of Kazakhstan. Kuandyk M.G., Abdibaeva A.M., Mukhitova A.N. became the winners, taking the 1st prize, and Iskalieva A.S., Aitkulova M.E., Nurgalieva G.A. took the second place. All prize-winners were awarded with Diplomas. ..teacher of Zhambyl Higher Medical College R.U.Jantasova was awarded the Certificate of Honor for active participation in the Olympiad in the discipline “Nursing in Pediatrics”, organized by the Kyzylorda Higher Medical College among students of the Southern Regional Medical Colleges of the RepublicKazakhstan.