“Serikbol Kondybay-scientist, mythologist”

College news


The educational department organized a curatorial hour on the topic “Serikbol Kondybay-scientist, mythologist” – a Kazakh local historian, geographer, publicist, ethnographer-scientist who made a significant contribution to fundamental research, who devoted half his life to the revival of Kazakh history, culture, customs and consciousness.

The purpose of the curatorial hour is to tell students about the life of S. Kondybai, his rich heritage of scientific works and works, and to give an idea of ​​the origin of the name “Alash”, “Alasha Khan” in a new way through mythology. Broaden horizons, arouse students’ interest in science.

Participated: department “Medicine”, students of group 128 LF-9/22

Curator: Buksukbaeva A. A