State symbols

 Symbols of the state-Flag, Emblem, Anthem

State Flag Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan

The national Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a rectangular blue cloth with the image of the sun with 32 rays in its center, under which is a soaring steppe eagle. The flagpole has a vertical stripe with national ornament. Images of the sun, rays, eagle and ornament-the color of gold. The ratio of the Flag’s width to its length: 1:2.




State Emblem of The Republic of Kazakhstan


June 4, 1992 will forever remain in the history and memory of the people as the birthday of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today’s Emblem of sovereign Kazakhstan is the result of great work and creative search of two famous architects: Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shota Ualikhanov. it was not easy to win this competition. Suffice it to recall that only 245 projects and 67 descriptions of the future coat of arms took part in the final competition. The Emblem has the shape of a circle. In the world, the most perfect shape is the shape of a ball. And the circle as the closest element to this perfection is especially valued among nomads. The circle as an element of heraldry is used everywhere, but it is in special honor and respect among the Eastern nomads. It is a symbol of life, of eternity. The Central element that incorporates the main idea of our Emblem is the Shanyrak — the circular top of the Yurt dome. Shanyrak is a symbol of family well-being, peace and tranquility. Skillfully, effectively and beautifully illustrated tundyk — Zenith hole of the Yurt, reminds the bright sun against the blue, peaceful sky. Dome poles — uyk uniformly radiating from the center on blue space of the Emblem, remind sun beams — a life and heat source. The authors managed to solve the problem of image kerege — sliding trellised bases of yurta. The cross-shaped, triple, and kuldreushi of Shanyrak symbolize the unity of the three zhuzes, which ensures its strength. Thus, in the language of heraldry, the authors reflect the peaceful nature of the Kazakhs. They call on all the peoples of the Republic to strive to become strong and powerful load — bearing structures of our common home-Kazakhstan, under the common Shanyrak.

State Anthem of The Republic of Kazakhstan

Сөзін жазғандар: Жұмекен Нәжімеденов, Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев
Әнін жазған: Шәмші Қалдаяқов

Алтын күн аспаны,
Алтын дән даласы,
Ерліктің дастаны,
Еліме қарашы!
Ежелден ер деген,
Даңқымыз шықты ғой.
Намысын бермеген,
Қазағым мықты ғой!


Менің елім, менің елім,
Гүлің болып егілемін,
Жырың болып төгілемін, елім!
Туған жерім менің – Қазақстаным!

Ұрпаққа жол ашқан,
Кең байтақ жерім бар.
Бірлігі жарасқан,
Тәуелсіз елім бар.
Қарсы алған уақытты,
Мәңгілік досындай,
Біздің ел бақытты,
Біздің ел осындай!


Менің елім, менің елім,
Гүлің болып егілемін,
Жырың болып төгілемін, елім!
Туған жерім менің – Қазақстаным!