

Specialty: 0301000 “Medical business”

Qualification: 0301013 “Medical Assistant”

Types of professional activity of the graduate for qualification “Medical Assistant”:

Participation in medical and diagnostic, primary health care for patients of different age groups in hospital, polyclinic, outpatient clinics (VA), medical and obstetric centres (FAP), primary health care centres (PMSP);

Assessment of the patient ‘s condition and provision of urgent pre-medical care in case of acute diseases and accidents;

Observance of sanitary and anti-epidemiological regimes in medical organizations;

Use of new information technologies, methods, techniques, transfer and storage of information;

Participation in the rehabilitation of the patient, and in cooperation with social protection bodies and mercy services to participate in the organization of assistance and the placement in residential homes, hospices for the single, elderly, disabled and chronic patients;

Cooperation with patients and their families, patient rights and measures to promote and maintain health among different age groups;

Advising the public on the risk factors for the patient ‘s health (physical, mental, social, environmental, etc.) and on reducing their impact on health;

Training of the patient and his/her family in health maintenance during different age periods, care;

Advice on early feeding (breastfeeding, basic), psychosocial development, hardening, preparation of children for preschool, school and vocational guidance;

Counselling on issues of nervous and mental development, immunoprophylaxis, medical surveillance of children of different ages;

Implementation of diagnostics and differential diagnostics using modern methods of research, as well as treatment and prevention of frequent diseases in children;

Registration of normative medical documentation in the organizations of the PMSP;

Interaction and cooperation with colleagues;

Disease prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Specialty: 0301000 “Medical business”

Qualification: 0301023 “Obstetrician”

The Zhambyl Medical College provides training in the field of medical treatment, and the qualification of obstetrician (s) is provided on a budgetary and contractual basis.

The form of education – day, language of instruction Kazakh, Russian, the form of mastering the professional educational program – full time.

The term of education for qualification “Obstetrician and on the basis of general education (11 grades) – 2 years 10 months.

The college has two educational buildings at its disposal. Classes are held in the classrooms and practice rooms of the college, in the simulation center, in the pre-clinical practice rooms, as well as in the training rooms on the bases of medical organizations. The bases of practical classes are: regional hospital, maternity hospitals, city hospitals, polyclinics of the city. Educational audiences are equipped with modern equipment and equipment, visual aids.

Training of future specialists is carried out by teachers of the first and highest category, excellent health care and education. Graduates of the department work in medical organizations of the city, district and regional centers of the republic.

The state of reproductive health of the population today remains one of the most acute medical and social problems. Improving women ‘s health is one of the most important objectives of improving domestic health care. To achieve these goals, the real potential is – midwives. This is a medical worker, a certified specialist who helps a woman during pregnancy and childbirth. Midwife is a professionally trained specialist capable of providing the right quality medical care.



Specialty: 0306000 “Pharmacy”

Qualification: 0306013 “Druggist”

The Zhambyl Medical College has been training students in Pharmacy since 1978 on a budgetary and contractual basis. The form of instruction is day, the language of instruction is Russian. The form of training is face-to-face.

The standard period of study is: on the basis of secondary general education (11 grades) – 2 years 10 months.

Classes are held in the classrooms and practice rooms of the college. Laboratories and rooms have enough equipment, devices, reagents, technical means of training for carrying out classes at a high professional level.

The College actively cooperates with such solid pharmaceutical firms as LLP “Amir and D”,LLP”Sadyhan” LLP and “Erko”.

Training of future specialists is carried out by teachers of the first and highest category, excellent health care and education. Graduates of the department work in pharmacy organizations of the city, district and regional centers of our Republic.

The main activities of the graduate are:


– Preparation of medicines according to individual recipes, requirements of medical and preventive institutions and in the form of intra-oral workpieces, including under aseptic conditions; Sterilization of utensils and auxiliary materials; Preparation of titrated solutions, quantitative and qualitative determination of drugs; Obtaining purified water; Organization of storage of medicines and medical products in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation; maintaining primary reporting;

– Analysis of economic performance indicators of pharmacy organizations; Execution of delivery contracts, receipt of goods from suppliers;

– Formation of vacation and retail prices for medicines and medical products;

– Delivery to the population by prescriptions and without prescriptions of medicines and medical products; Monitoring of shelf life.


– Informing the population and medical workers about the range and consumer properties of goods sold through pharmacies, about the rules of admission and release of medicines and their storage at home.