The code of honor of the student

Code of honor of the student

  1. Basic Law: Respect for human rights, freedom, dignity and identity

Students and teachers of the college are like-minded in solving the main goal of vocational education – training of highly qualified specialists. All this increases the importance of cooperation and mutual assistance of all those who participate in the educational process as an important condition for solving educational problems.

The relationship between students and faculty, college staff is based on mutual respect, honesty and trust. The student is obliged to respect subordination in relations with teachers and staff. In relations with other students it is necessary to be tactful, correct, polite, to observe the rules of business communication, to be responsible, honest, disciplined and mandatory. Actions and actions that degrade the honour and dignity of another person should not be allowed, should be friendly, should be positive when communicating with others.

There should be no critical judgment against specific students, faculty, staff in the presence of other students, faculty and college staff. If the student does not agree with the assessment given to him by the teacher, with the comment made by the teacher or employee and otherwise, which is considered by the student as injustice and humiliation of his dignity, he is advised to discuss this issue tactically with the teacher in private. If as a result of the discussion the parties do not come to a resolution of the differences, the student can contact the handler, the head of the department.

  1. Law of corporationism

A student of Zhambyl Medical College should be aware that by his behavior he forms an impression of the college and the profession as a whole. He should honor and multiply the traditions of the college, know and respect its history, maintain the image of the college, remember that outside the walls of the college he is a representative of his educational institution and should not rot his honor and dignity. He must strengthen and develop corporate culture, take care to transfer experience to the younger generation, prevent illegal acts, both in and outside college.

– Student – patriot of the Republic of Kazakhstan, highly honors the state symbolism – anthem, flag, state language – as the most important attribute of Sovereign Kazakhstan.

– The student aspires to become a worthy citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a professional in the chosen specialty, to develop in himself the best qualities of creative personality.

– The student respects the elders, does not allow rude towards others and shows sympathy for socially vulnerable people and takes care of them to the extent possible.

– The student strictly follows the curriculum of the educational process. Attends mandatory training sessions, performs all types of tasks provided for in the curriculum and educational programs within the specified time frame. The student must do everything in his power to achieve high results in his studies.

– Student is guided by universal moral and ethical principles, respects corporate culture of college, considers unacceptable manifestations of inter-ethnic differences, religious extremism, nationalism and corruption offences.

– The student leads a healthy lifestyle and completely renounces bad habits.

– The student respects traditions of college, protects his property, monitors purity and order.

– Student recognizes necessary and useful all activities aimed at development of creative activity (scientific, educational, sports, artistic, etc.), at improvement of corporate culture and image of college.

– Student recognizes the need for international internationalization of student cooperation and the need for trilingualism, including foreign.

– The student should always remember that he is a representative of Zhambyl Medical College and puts all efforts not to lose his honor and dignity.

– The student considers it his duty to fight all types of academic bad faith, among them: write-off and appeal to other persons for help in passing the procedures of knowledge control; Use of kinship or service links to obtain a higher rating; Absenteeism, delay and skipping for no good reason.

The student considers all the listed types of academic bad faith as incompatible with obtaining a quality and competitive education worthy of the future economic, political and managerial elite of Kazakhstan.