“The unity of the people is an invincible fortress”


04/28/2023 The teacher of pharmaceutical disciplines – Sovetbek Zhania Talgatovna at the Zhambyl Higher Medical College held an open educational hour on the topic “The unity of the people – an invincible fortress” with a group of 150F-11/22 (151f-11/22, 152f-11/22) . The purpose of the open event: to instill a sense of love for the Motherland, strengthening interethnic mutual respect. Special guests were invited to this event: the leading expert of the internal policy department of the akimat of the Zhambyl region of the department “Kogamdyk kelisim” – Rakhat Yerkhanovich and a member of the NGO “Zhastara Assembly” and a representative of the Bulgarian nationality – Alina Aidaraly. The event began with the words of the director of the Zhambyl Higher Medical College – Sarybekova Zhamilya Nurgalievna, accompanied by the warm wishes of the guests and their songs. Various nationalities performed during the festive event: Russians, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Kurds, Uzbeks, Georgians and Kazakhs. Each nationality expressed their wishes in their own language and offered national dishes.