Unity is the main wealth of our country!


Zhambyl Higher Medical College cordially congratulates all our readers on the Day of “Unity”.

May 1 is the holiday of the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan. There is probably not a single person in our country who would not like the May holidays – warm, bright, cheerful. Greening trees, bright sky, laughter and smiles create on this day such a festive mood that will not be forgotten later all year round. The Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan has become one of the main holidays in our sovereign republic.

The holiday of spring and unity is imbued with the spirit of internationalism, friendship and solidarity of peoples. Our homeland is great – Kazakhstan. Our republic is multinational: Kazakhs and Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, Tatars and Germans, Koreans and Poles, Uzbeks and Uighurs, and many, many others – people of all nationalities celebrate May Day.

As one Kazakh proverb says: “The strength of a bird is in its wings, and a man’s is in friendship.” And life clearly confirms her rightness.