The course of the championship


During the championship, professional skills were evaluated in the following modules:

Module A. Implementation of evidence-based care in a medical organization (hospice).

Module B. Introduction of proven care in a medical organization (day hospital).

Module C. Implementation of training of patients at home.

The competition tasks are drawn up in accordance with the training programs for middle-level specialists developed on the basis of the Republican state educational standards in the specialty” Nursing”. The competition task consists of three separate modules implemented in the field of medical and social care. In the care areas, the assessment of the modules is the same-16.7 points, in the English-speaking areas-16.5 points:

* 1 zone-hospice;

* Zone 2-day hospital;

* Zone 3-home care / proven nursing care.

The competition tasks included the following topics and one of the tasks was presented in English:

  1. tumors;
  2. diabetes mellitus;
  3. bronchial asthma.

The participant completed tasks based on modeling the needs of patients in the appropriate conditions in each region.